C O N C I O U S  L U X U R Y

We believe sustainability is no longer a choice, it’s a necessity. As a young brand, we feel responsible for helping the industry transition from fast fashion to sustainable fashion. We are conscious of the environmental & economic impact of the garments we create and understand there is always more to learn.

Our choice of moving to regenerated fabrics does not come at the cost of luxury or style. Our La Femme en Noir collection is produced in small production runs, cutting down on waste and minimising our environmental impact.

C O N S I D E R E D  F A B R I C S 

Our La femme en Noir collection is carefully crafted from the highest quality recycled fabrics.

ECONYL® - Regenerated nylon, is a yarn made from abandoned fishing nets and other ocean waste which can be remoulded infinitely. 

REPREVE® - Recycled fibre made from plastic bottles & other consumer materials, helping keep them out of our oceans.


B R A N D  E T H O S 

As a slow fashion brand, we choose to craft garments with timeless designs that are built to last. We source the highest quality fabrics to ensure our activewear is ultra-durable and maintains it’s shape throughout it’s life. We will not release a new collection every season, however we will expand on capsules with complimentary pieces that pair seamlessly with existing collections.

P A C K A G I N G 

While sustainable fabrics are a key focus for us to shift the dial from Fast Fashion to Sustainable Fashion. We understand the packaging we use also plays a large role in helping us reduce our environmental impact.

We use 100% compostable and biodegradable packaging throughout our supply chain from the time it leaves our factory to arriving at your doorstep. All our bags are made from a natural plant-based material called cassava and a high grade carboard gift box that are designed for minimal impact, meaning they break down quickly when placed in your compost bin.  

Better for the environment, better for our oceans, and a better tomorrow for all of us.